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Equipment Setup

Follow these steps to get your equipment up and running.

Reference Cables

HDMI Cable
Figure 1: HDMI Cable
Display Port Cable
Figure 2: Display Port Cable
USB-C Cable
Figure 3: USB-C Cable

Docking Station Assembly

  1. Connect outlet plug into power adapter. (See Figure 4)
  2. Plug in power adapter into power port of docking station and into wall outlet.
  3. Plug in USB-C cable into rear USB-C port of docking station.
  4. Plug in HDMI Cable OR Display Port Cable into rear port of docking station.
Power adapter and outlet plug
Figure 4: Power Adapter and Outlet Plug
Rear of docking station
Figure 5: Rear of Docking Station

Monitor Assembly and Use

  1. Attach and screw baseplate to monitor arm.
  2. Snap in monitor arm to back of monitor.
  3. Connect outlet plug into power adapter.
  4. Plug in power adapter into rear port of monitor and into wall outlet.
  5. Plug HDMI OR Display Port Cable into rear port of monitor.
Monitor components laid out for assembly
Figure 6: Array of Monitor Pieces
Rear of monitor showing where to connect cables
Figure 7: Rear of Monitor

Mirroring Laptop to Monitor via Docking Station Connection

  1. Plug USB-C cable from docking station into leftmost USB-C port on laptop. (See Figure 8)
  2. The light on top of the docking station should turn white to indicate connection.
  3. After a moment, the monitor will turn on and mirror the laptop screen.
Side of laptop
Figure 8: Side of Laptop